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Parry Lodge Re-Opens "The Dining Room"

Situated in the heart of Kanab’s natural beauty is historic Parry Lodge. Established by the Parry brothers in 1931, this local landmark has observed 130 years of a changing world from its vantage point on historic Highway 89, providing unmatched accommodations and dining to local residents and visiting vacationers alike.

At 3 PM on Saturday, September 2nd, an enthusiastic group assembled for Parry Lodge's Dining Room Restaurant grand re-opening and ribbon cutting. In attendance were family, friends, Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce leadership and Kane County Commissioners Patty Kubeja and Celeste Meyeres. Commissioner Meyeres mentioned how nice it was to have this historic icon in local hands again. Co-owners Dirk Clayson and Mike Noel greeted the guests as they arrived.

As the attendees entered the main lobby area they were immediately drawn to the delightful spread prepared for the event by Chef Henry Christian. Chef Henry specifically highlighted the local vegetables and cheeses that he regularly buys from the local Kanab farmers market.

Chamber vice president Ron Thomas gathered the group together on the Lodge’s front porch, telling the group, “We love to see new businesses and people trying new things, and we really love to see businesses upholding Kanab tradition and keeping our heritage alive.”

Ron was followed by Parry Lodge co-owner Mike Noel, explaining, "“The Parrys were food

connoisseurs - all the way back when they were first starting, they’d gather together ten or twelve local ladies, all great chefs, and they’d try every dish they had so ... and they put together one of the best menus around in no time.”

Mike and his granddaughter cut the ribbon to smiles and cheers, and everyone filed into the lobby to fill up their plates with Chef Henry’s creations. Many of the folks went back for seconds and we feel confident in saying that a pleasant time was had by all.

The Dining Room’s schedule is set till the end of the season, with breakfast and lunch open every day, and dinner Wednesday thru Sunday.


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78 S 100 E, PO Box 534, Kanab, UT 84741

A 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization. EIN: 90-0953316

© Kanab Area Chamber of Commerce.

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